Joyoshare Affiliate Wanted

Join our affiliate program now to get the opportunity to advertise, promote and sell Joyoshare featured products to your users and visitors!

Why Join Joyoshare Affiliate

Joyoshare puts a high value on helping our partners to boost the earning potential by providing you with the best possible products and affiliate management service, with which you can increase your revenue and grow your business easily.

technical support

Technical Support

You're supported by the most professional R&D team

competitive commission

Competitive Commission

Earn up to 50% or even higher commission

best-selling products

Best-selling Products

Joyoshare products are recognized by well-known technology media

Join Joyoshare Affiliate

Becoming an affiliate of Joyoshare is easy and completely free. No special skills are required to be a successful affiliate. Currently Joyoshare supports affiliate platform - MyCommerce.

For any question to our affiliate program, please feel free to send email to:

hover img click to join joyoshare affiliate campaign

Access Joyoshare Campaign

You should firstly click the link here to Join Joyoshare affiliate for free.

Note: you can directly search our ID 200298972 in MyCommerce if you already have an account on this platform.

hover img fill info to make an application

Sign Up Affiliate Account and Submit Application

Simply follow onscreen instructions to sign up. You are required to provide personal information, company information and promotional information. Then confirm all terms and conditions, and click on "Sign up".

hover img confirm email info

Confirm Mail and Start Promotion

Once done, you'll get a confirmation mail from MyCommerce with the instructions on how to sell the software, track the orders and so forth.


Joyoshare Commission Rate

We guarantee every affiliate the high commission rate

Monthly Sales Commission Rate
$0 ~ $4999 40%
$5000 ~ $9999 45%
$10000 ~ $15000+ 50%
high commission

High Commission

free to join affiliate

Free to Join

high conversion rate

High Conversion Rate

Joyoshare Affiliate Policy

Joyoshare Bestseller

Any Question about Joyoshare Affiliate Program?

Contact Us